Thursday, May 20, 2010

Here some photos from our frist "Ditmas Rides" ride

The fist Ditmas
Ride happened on a Friday May 14th 2010. Ditmas Ride came out of a series of bike rides I organized the year before which was called "kids on bikes". Its purpose was to help people find way to get around with their kids on a bike. As a result we try to keep the Ditmas Ride as kid friendly as possible and still try to introduce people to ways how they can transport their kids on a bike. There for the Ditmas Ride is no way a competitive ride rather then a leisurely ride which would like to facilitate meeting other bicyclist and enjoying each other company. We welcome all kinds of riders. Especially new once. If you'd like to offer a ride at a different time of the day or on a different day. Please let us know. We will be happy to pass out the word.